Gold (XAU)
Here you will find factors related to gold as a monetary asset (XAU): shadow price and spot/shadow ratio.
The notion of the shadow price offers a conceptual tool to understand how gold might be valued if certain historical monetary conditions were reestablished. It is not a price forecast, but rather a theoretical framework to understand the gap between the current situation and a scenario where gold regains a more central role as a monetary anchor.
More information at the post: Gold shadow price.
Spot price
USD/troy ounce
Shadow price
USD/troy ounce
Spot/Shadow ratio
Spot price
2,616.00 USD/troy ounce
Real time spot price of gold as a combination of the bid and ask prices in various markets. – read morelaunch
Shadow price
5,369.52 USD/troy ounce
The shadow price of gold calculated as the relation of gold reserves held by central banks relative to 25% of the issued monetary base M0. – read morelaunch
Spot/Shadow ratio
0.49 adimensional
Relation between the spot price and the shadow price of gold, calculated as: spot price / shadow price. – read morelaunch
Constant price
2,616.00 USD/troy ounce
Historical price of gold in constant dollars as of today (calculated using the USA GDP deflators). – read morelaunch
USD Monetary base M0
5,616.50 billion USD (109)
Historical M0 monetary base series as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. – read morelaunch