Apple Inc.
The "is=qs+ps" tab info is all you need to evaluate the economic+financial health and
stock price fairness of the company:
stock price fairness of the company:
- The quality-score qs is a measure of how good the company is.
- The price-score ps is a measure of how the company's stock is currently priced: fairly, overvalued or undervalued.
- The investment-score is sumarizes, in a single score value, the is and qs scores (a non-linear combination of both).
- All scores are normalized to a value between 0 and 10.
(you can select an area in any of the charts to zoom in, and double click to reset the zoom)
United States
Site URL
Investors' site
334112 Computer Storage Device Manufacturing
334111 Electronic Computer Manufacturing
334310 Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing
334220 Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
513210 Software Publishers
449210 Electronics and Appliance Retailers
Average: 4.88
Moving average: 2.79
The is (investment-score) summarizes, in a single value, the qs and ps scores (quality and price). Its value is calculated as a non-linear combination of all the factors involved in the calculation of qs and ps. – view factor doclaunch
Average: 9.58
Moving average: 9.23
The qs (quality-score) is a measure of the company's profitability and solvency, i.e. a measure of how good the company is. – view factor doclaunch
Average: 3.15
Moving average: 0.83
The ps (price-score) is a mesure of how the secondary markets are currently pricing the company's stock. A high score value will be an indication of undervaluation. The score is based on the relation between the current market price and the free cash flow to equity factor. – view factor doclaunch
Firm profitability score
Average: 9.97
Moving average: 9.92
This score is a measure of the resources generated by the company in relation to its level of assets. – view factor doclaunch
Equity profitability score
Average: 9.97
Moving average: 10
This score is a measure of the resources generated by the company in relation to the funds contributed by the shareholders. – view factor doclaunch
Dynamic solvency score
Average: 9.22
Moving average: 8.56
This score measures the company's ability to generate sufficient funds on a regular and permanent basis to meet all its financial obligations. – view factor doclaunch
Static solvency score
Average: 3.38
Moving average: 1.14
This score analyzes whether the balance sheet structure is such that it allows the company to generate sufficient surplus funds to maintain stable this balance structure. – view factor doclaunch
Price/Free cash flow score
Average: 3.15
Moving average: 0.83
Price in relation to free cash flows. It is a measure of the overvaluation, undervaluation or fair value of the quoted price. – view factor doclaunch
Price/Free earnings score
Average: 1.99
Moving average: 0.78
Price in relation to free earnings. It is a measure of the overvaluation, undervaluation or fair value of the quoted price. – view factor doclaunch
Price/Balance sheet score
Average: 0.02
Moving average: -0.00
Price in relation to balance sheet structure. It is a measure of the overvaluation, undervaluation or fair value of the quoted price. – view factor doclaunch
Size score
Average: 9.99
Moving average: 10
This score is a reflection of the company's size based on its turnover, assets, capitalization and number of employees. – view factor doclaunch
Zone score
Average: 7.46
Moving average: 7.46
This score measures the company's country-risk. – view factor doclaunch
Growth score
Average: 7.12
Moving average: 6.69
This score measures the company's growth over its last accounting periods based on its level of revenues and free cash flows. – view factor doclaunch
Dividend payments score
Average: 1.74
Moving average: 1.16
This score compares the dividend yield of the stock with an average of sovereign debt yields and a proxy for the natural interest rate. – view factor doclaunch
Capital needs asset-based score
Average: 5.56
Moving average: 5.88
This score measures the level of capital expenditures (capex) in relation to the company's fixed assets. – view factor doclaunch
Capital needs revenue-based score
Average: 8.76
Moving average: 8.74
This score measures the level of capital expenditures (capex) in relation to the company's net revenue. – view factor doclaunch
External financial non-dependency score
Average: 4.51
Moving average: 3.78
This score is a measure of the level of external financing (third-party debt) currently held by the company, relative to its total assets. – view factor doclaunch
External financial non-dependency score (ex commercial liabs)
Average: 6.58
Moving average: 5.42
This score is a measure of the level of external financing (debt with third parties) currently held by the company, in relation to its total assets excluding commercial liabilities. – view factor doclaunch
Free cash flow steadiness score
Average: 4.21
Moving average: 4.27
Stability of the free cash flow to the firm factor values. The proxy used to measure the stability is based on the discrete total variation of the factor, relative to its mean, over a 7 year window period. – view factor doclaunch
Operating cash flow steadiness score
Average: 4.35
Moving average: 4.43
Stability of the operating cash flow factor values. The proxy used to measure the stability is based on the discrete total variation of the factor, relative to its mean, over a 7 year window period. – view factor doclaunch
Free earnings steadiness score
Average: 4.27
Moving average: 4.39
Stability of the free earnings factor values. The proxy used to measure the stability is based on the discrete total variation of the factor, relative to its mean, over a 7 year window period. – view factor doclaunch
Earnings steadiness score
Average: 4.47
Moving average: 4.59
Stability of the earnings factor values. The proxy used to measure the stability is based on the discrete total variation of the factor, relative to its mean, over a 7 year window period. – view factor doclaunch
Dividend payments steadiness score
Average: 0.00
Moving average: 0.00
Stability of the divident payments factor values. The proxy used to measure the stability is based on the discrete total variation of the factor, relative to its mean, over a 7 year window period. – view factor doclaunch